Wednesday, August 26, 2009

:: Gross Update ::

Well, it has been a while since my last post! But I swear it was not my fault this time. Outside forces intervened for I was the proud owner of a nice nasty eye infection! I do not think I have ever been as miserable as I was last week. I was confined to the darkness of my bedroom for days on end with nothing to do but think of how I would look with an eye patch (quite good I might add). While I wasn't in the dungeon (my bedroom) I was shielding my face from the blinding sunlight on the way to eye doctor. My mother had to help me walk and find chairs and tell me when I was about to face plant on the curb. It was awful. After some wicked intense eye drops and lots of sleep, I could finally open the darn thing! Now, we fast forward to today. I can actually look at my computer without feeling like my eyes are liquifying out of their sockets. My vision isn't completely back but at least I don't look like I'm on drugs anymore! And how many people can say they have a permanent scar on their eyeball?? Oh yea..I'm just that awesome.

I would have taken an actual picture of my eye but I do not want any of you to vomit on your computers.  So, I thought since I am such a gifted artist, I would draw what I looked like. I know most of you think this is an actual photograph, but its not! Promise. I drew this with my own two hands. Pretty good for a chick with a bum eye eh? 



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