Tuesday, April 13, 2010

:: Oh hey Spring, Nice of you to join us! ::

Spring has Sprung! Forgive the cliche quote but it's true! The days of layering on clothing and seeing your breath in the morning are finally over, so pack away your ice scrapers and clunky boots and bust out your sandals. Today, I was looking for some inspiration and I noticed that the trees and bushes are all beginning to bud. There's something so magical about the process of plant growth (is that nerdy to say?). Whenever I see it, I think of being reborn. This is the time of year we should forget everything that is troubling us and just let it be (man, I'm just full of cliche things to say today). Spring is a time of happiness and growth. If we sit and dwell on the past, the beauty that surrounds us will just pass by. Here are a few photos I took in my back yard of some bushes, my sister and some lawn ornaments. Enjoy this wonderful weather everyone! :)



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