Friday, June 26, 2009

:: Lovely Day at the Lake ::

So today was one of the most perfect days ever. Sam, my cousin/best friend, and I made the journey to Lake Calhoun for the day. I could not have asked for a better day to go! You always forget how beautiful a place is until you see it again. Everyone is so alive and laid back out there. I want to live there one day when I am a millionaire :D While waiting for our friend Steve, Sam and I had a little photo session under the shade of The Big Oak Tree ( I have no idea if it was an oak tree but it sounds cool right? ) and here are the results. Its pretty hard to hold my boat of a camera steady so we had to use our awesome teamwork skills to pul it off! I think we did pretty good! Here are some of my favorites from the day. Thanks for a GREAT day Steve and Sam! I love you guys! 


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